Kyle Says The Lovebirds is Embarrassing and Annoying
It was always a treat when you see that two very talented comedians are teaming...
Kyle Says Scoob! is Pointless Cotton Candy
With everything going on during this unprecedented time in the world, studios have had to...
Kyle Says Bad Education is a Great Learning Experience
Growing up in Florida, it always felt like the board did not know what to...
Kyle Says Extraction is Cinematic Entertainment at Home
Typically, Netflix has been mostly mediocre with their selection of original films. They are very...
Gilberto Says…”Ben Affleck delivers a therapeutic performance in “The Way Back”
It may sound cliché to say this, but for me, movies work best when the topic...
Kyle Says The Way Back is a Film That is All Too Real
Gavin O’Connor is one of the most underrated and underappreciated directors working today. He consistently...
Kyle Says The Invisible Man is Genuinely Terrifying
The Universal monster movie franchise has hit a major snag of late. Dracula: Untold was supposed to...
Kyle Says Onward Has its Heart in the Right Place
You can always rely on Pixar studios to put out a quality product. With the...
Gilberto says…Onward brings the heart with a magical story!
At this point Pixar has done every kind of story imaginable that have all had...
Kyle Says Sonic the Hedgehog is Huge Surprise
When a movie faces controversy, it can be for a variety of reasons.Whether it is...