Thu. Dec 26th, 2024

What’s up, Beantown? Steve here. We’ve got a virtual opportunity for you! Let’s get to it!

  1. Scroll for your details.
  2. Spread the word about PopCulturePros – follow us on social media!

***First things first – click HERE and follow us wherever you have an account! We appreciate your support! You’ll also be doing yourself the favor of learning about these terrific contests and giveaways FIRST!

The VIRTUAL screening for this one will take place on Thursday, 5/18 at 7pm!

Now, let’s get to the interactive portion of the contest: This one is a rapid-fire giveaway!!

Make sure to follow us in as many places as possible!

Find your city below and follow the directions from there!

Boston – Wherever you’d like! – Code, if asked – KANDAHARpcp

Approximately one hour before your screening start time, you will receive your link to access the screening. Space is limited to view the screening, and availability is first come, first served to those that click on the link.

Tom Harris (Gerard Butler), an undercover CIA operative, is stuck deep in hostile territory in Afghanistan. After his mission is exposed, he must fight his way out, alongside his Afghan translator, to an extraction point in Kandahar, all whilst avoiding elite enemy forces and foreign spies tasked with hunting them down.

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